Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Please don't drool.....

You know the situation:

There you are sitting on a bus/train/plane.
The person next to you starts to fall asleep.
Slowly, inch by inch, they start to slide over towards you.
The further they sag, the more their mouth gapes. 
Next thing you know, there is a bump and they are practically laying on your shoulder with a steady stream of drool pooling on your shoulder.

If you are lucky, they kind of wake up, straighten up, and don't let it happen again. In my case, I'm in between lucky and not: the gentleman this morning on my bus woke up enough to sit up straight, but not enough to stop the cycle. So we went through this about five times this morning. Thankfully, I didn't end up with any drool on me...as far as I know!

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